Many adults during the course of their lifetime will have at least one flareup of hemorrhoids. Women who are carrying unborn children tend to develop them routinely, both before and after the birth. Constipation can lead to them for women and men alike. Read this article in full to find some tips to help you avoid and treat hemorrhoids.
While a nasty case of hemorrhoids may seem like the end of the world, relief is just around the corner. It is recommended you use a sitz bath a few times each day, for approximately 10 minutes or so each time. A carefully applied ice pack or cold compress helps as well.
One tip to ease hemorrhoid pain is to alternately apply a cold pack and a heat pack. The cold will help shrink your hemorrhoid and the heat will promote healing. Apply ice to the area affected for about ten minutes every day, and follow it with moist heat for twenty minutes.
If you get hemorrhoids often you should be certain that you drink more water. Your stools will be softer if you stay hydrated. Additionally, it’s best to cut back on drinking both caffeinated beverages and alcoholic ones.
Ice Pack
You can use ice to ease hemorrhoid pain. Inflamed hemorrhoids can cause significant pain. Take an ice pack and apply it to the inflamed area in order to reduce the amount of swelling and minimize the pain. Alternate ice packs and warm compresses. Soaking in a warm tub, and then applying an ice pack will reduce swelling and pain related to hemorrhoids, and help you be more comfortable.
If you are dealing with hemorrhoid issues, include a little lemon in the water you drink. Irritation from hemorrhoids can be soothed by lemon juice. If you want to feel better during the day, try drinking lemon water.
Carrying a cushion around with you may make you a little self conscious, but it will provide relief from hemorrhoids. Even if you’re embarrassed to use the cushion at work, you can still sit on it at home or in the car to help relieve hemorrhoid pain.
Go around the block a few times before going to the bathroom if you think you are constipated. This can prepare your body for your next bowel movement. By doing this, you can avoid unnecessary straining that will make hemorrhoids worsen or become irritated. Walk for approximately 10-15 minutes at as quick of a pace as possible.
Bowel Movement
Try adding more high fiber foods to your diet. If you increase your fiber intake, your stools will not be as hard. When feces are soft, you don’t have to strain as forcefully to have a bowel movement. This can reduce or eliminate the discomfort associated with a bowel movement. Foods, such as fruits and fiber supplements, may help to soften your stool.
A donut cushion can alleviate the pain of sitting, when you’re in the midst of an bad hemorrhoid flare up. A donut cushion is designed with a hole in the middle for your bottom and keeps the sensitive hemorrhoid from contact with hard surfaces. Sitting on this cushion will be more comfortable and relaxing than a normal chair or couch.
Aloe Vera Juice
Aloe Vera juice is reported to be an effective stool softener. To mask the unpleasant taste, you can dilute the Aloe Vera with a sugar-free apple juice. Read the instructions that come with the juice (if store-bought) to ensure you don’t take too much. Drinking Aloe Vera juice in excess can cause you to have an upset stomach.
As the above article has demonstrated, most people will have hemorrhoids sometime in their lifetime. Many of these people will repeatedly suffer with this problem. Although this condition is painful and irritating, it can generally be avoided by the implementation of a good diet and exercise.